I. Bogdanova, A. Bur, P.-A. Farine, H. Hügli Dynamic Visual Attention on the Sphere Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2009 (submitted)
I. Bogdanova, A. Bur, H. Hügli Visual Attention on the Sphere IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol.17 (11), pp 2000-2014, 2008
J. Mure-Dubois, H. Hügli Merging TOF range images Proc. SPIE Vol. 7066-22, 2008
J. Mure-Dubois, H. Hügli Automated inspection of microlens arrays Proc. SPIE Vol. 7000, April, 2008
A. Bur, P. Wurtz, R. Müri, H. Hügli Dynamic visual attention: motion direction versus motion magnitude Proc. SPIE Vol 6806, Jan., 2008
I. Bogdanova, A. Bur, H. Hügli The spherical approach to omnidirectional visual attention Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2008
J. Mure-Dubois, H. Hügli Fusion of Time of Flight Camera Point Clouds Proc. Workshop on Multi-camera and Multi-modal Sensor Fusion Algorithms and Applications(M2SFA2), ECCV, Oct. 18, 2008
A. Bur, H. Hügli Dynamic visual attention: competitive versus motion priority scheme Proc. Int. Conf. Computer Vision Systems (ICVS), Bielefeld (D), March, 2007
H. Hügli, T. Zamofing Pedestrian Detection by Range Imaging Proc. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, March, 2007
J. Mure-Dubois, H. Hügli Optimized scattering compensation for time-of-flight camera Proc. Conf. Two- and Three-Dimensional Methods for Inspection and Metrology V, Proc. SPIE Vol. 6762, 2007
J. Mure-Dubois, H. Hügli Time-of-flight imaging of indoor scenes with scattering compensation Proc. Conf. Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques, Zurich (to appear), 2007
A. Bur & H. Hügli Optimal Cue Combination for Saliency Computation: A Comparison with Human Vision Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag GmbH , , LNCS 4528, pp 109-118, 2007
H. Hügli, A. Bur Adaptive visual attention model Proc. Conf. Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, Hamilton (NZ), Dec., 2007
A. Bur, P. Wurtz, R. Müri, H. Hügli Motion integration in visual attention models for predicting simple dynamic scenes Proc. IS&T/SPIE 19th Annual Symposium on Electronic Imaging, SPIE Vol. 6492-47, Feb, 2007
J. Mure-Dubois & H. Hügli Real-time scattering compensation for time-of-flight camera Proc. Workshop on Camera Calibration Methods for Computer Vision Systems - CCMVS2007, Bielefeld University, Germany, 2007
J. Mure-Dubois, H. Hügli Embedded 3D vision system for automated micro-assembly Proc. SPIE Vol. 6382-20, 2006
H. Hügli, J. Mure-Dubois 3D vision methods and selected experiences in micro and macro applications Proc. SPIE Vol. 6382-10, 2006
N. Ouerhani, T. Jost, A. Bur, H. Hügli Cue Normalisation Schemes in Saliency-based Visual Attention Models Proc. Second International Cognitive Vision Workshop, Graz (A), May 13, 2006
A. Bur, A. Tapus, N. Ouerhani, R. Siegwart, H. Hügli Robot Navigation by Panoramic Vision and Attention Guided Features Proc. Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2006
N. Ouerhani, A. Bur, H. Hügli Linear vs. Nonlinear Feature Combination for Saliency Computation: A Comparison with Human Vision Pattern Recognition, Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 4174, Springer Verlag, 2006
R. von Wartburg, N. Ouerhani, T. Pflugshaupt, T. Nyffeler, P. Wurtz, H. Hügli, R Müri The influence of colour on oculomotor behaviour during image perception Neuroreport, Volume 16, Issue 14, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005
N. Ouerhani, H. Hügli, G. Gruener and A. Codourey A Visual Attention-Based Approach for Automatic Landmark Selection and Recognition Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag GmbH , ISSN: 0302-9743, Vol. 3368, 2005
H. Hügli, T. Jost, N. Ouerhani Model Performance for Visual Attention in Real 3D Color Scenes Lecture Notes in Computer Science, J. Mira & J.R. Alvarez (Eds), Vol 3562, pp. 469-478, Springer Verlag, Proc. IWINAC 2005, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain, June 15-18, 2005, 2005
T. Zamofing & H. Hügli Fast stamping side detection Proc. EOS Conference on Industrial Imaging and Machine Vision, Hanover (Germany), June 13-15, 2005
N. Ouerhani, A. Bur, H. Hügli Visual Attention-Based Robot Self-Localization Proc. of European Conference on Mobile Robotics (ECMR 2005), Ancona, Italy, pp. 8-13, Sept., 2005
T. Jost, N. Ouerhani, R. von Wartburg, R. Müri, H. Hügli Assessing the contribution of color in visual attention Computer Vision and Image Understanding Journal (CVIU), Special Issue on Attention and Performance in Computer Vision, Edited by Lucas Paletta, John K. Tsotsos, Glyn Humphreys and Robert Fisher, Vol 100 Issues 1-2, 2005
N. Ouerhani, H. Hügli, G. Gruener, A. Codourey AttentiRobot: Attentive Vision for Robot Self-localization CSEM Scientific and Technical Report 2004, March, 2005
N. Ouerhani, H. Hügli Robot Self-localization Using Visual Attention Proc. 6th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, CIRA 2005, Finland, June, 2005
N. Ouerhani, H. Hügli, G. Gruener, A. Codourey AttentiRobot: A Visual Attention-based Landmark Selection Approach for Mobile Robot Navigation Proc. wapcv2004, 2nd int. workshop on attention and performance in computational vision, Prague, May 15, 2004
T. Zamofing & H. Hügli Multiresolution reliability scheme for range image filtering Proc. SPIE Vol. 5606-16, 2004
C. Piguet et H. Hügli DU ZERO à l'ordinateur Presses polytechniques romandes, 2004, ISBN 2-88074-469-5, 2004
N. Ouerhani, O. Corbat & H. Hügli Détection et reconnaissance automatique de signaux routiers Proc. Séminaire Research Day NAV, Capteurs de Navigation, Lausanne (Suisse), 23 mars, 2004
T. Jost, N. Ouerhani, R. von Wartburg, René Müri, H. Hügli Contribution of depth to visual attention: comparison of a computer model and human Proc. Early cognitive vision workshop, Isle of Skye, Scotland, June , 2004
N. Ouerhani, H. Hügli, G. Gruener, A. Codourey AttentiRobot: Attentive Vision for Landmark Detection and Tracking CSEM Scientific and Technical Report 2003, March, pp. 88-, 2004
T. Zamofing & H. Hügli Applied multifocus 3D microscopy Proc. SPIE, Vol 5265, Oct., 2003
N. Ouerhani and H. Hügli MAPS: Multiscale Attention-based Pre-Segmentation of Color Images Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Scale-Space theories in Computer Vision 2003, Isle of Skye (UK), Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK, June 10-12, 2003
N. Ouerhani and H. Hügli Real Time Visual Attention on a Massively Parallel SIMD Architecture Int. Journal of Real-Time Imaging, Elsevier Computer Science, Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 189-196, June, 2003
N. Ouerhani and H. Hügli A Model of Dynamic Visual Attention for Object Tracking in Natural Image Sequences in Computational Methods in Neural Modeling, Ed. José Mira & José R. Alvarez, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 2686, Part I, pp. 702-709, Springer-Verlag, IWANN2003 Spain, 2003
N. Ouerhani, R. von Wartburg, H. Hügli, R.M. Müri Empirical validation of Saliency-based model of visual attention Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis 3(1): 13-24, 2003
T. Jost & H. Hügli A Multi-Resolution ICP with Heuristic Closest Point Search for Fast and Robust 3D Registration of Range Images Proc. 3Dim2003, 4th Int. Conf. on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, IEEE Computer Society PR01991, pp. 427-433, Oct. , 2003
R. von Wartburg, N.Ouerhani, R.M. Müri, H. Hügli and C.W. Hess Methods for the empirical validation of a computational model of visual attention Joint Meeting : Swiss Society for Neuroscience (SSN) and Swiss Society of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (SSPP), Fribourg (Switzerland), Jan.18, 2002
O. Hüsser, H. Hügli Dropper flow measurement by vision Proc. Int. Symp. on Photonics in Measurement 2002, Aachen (Germany), VDI-Bericht 1694, VDi-Berichte 1694, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2002, June 11-12, 2002
C. Schütz, H. Hügli Augmented reality using range images Selected SPIE papers on CD-ROM: Stereoscopic Displays and Applications; cd #1, 2002
N. Ouerhani, H. Hügli, P.-Y. Burgi, P.-F. Ruedi A Real Time Implementation of the Saliency-Based Model of Visual Attention on a SIMD Architecture Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2449, pp. 91-99, Springer Verlag, Sept.16-18, 2002
T. Jost & H. Hügli Fast ICP algorithms for shape registration Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2449, pp. 91-99, Springer Verlag, Sept. 16-18, 2002
N. Ouerhani, N. Archip, H. Hügli & P.-J. Erard A Color Image Segmentation Method Based on Seeded Region Growing and Visual Attention Int. Journal of Image Processing and Communications, vol. 8, no. 1, no1 , 2002
H. Hügli & T. Jost A match and merge method for 3D modeling from range images Proc. Int. Conf. on Signal Processing, ICSP'02, Beijing (China), Aug.26-30, Aug., 2002
H. Hügli, N. Ouerhani, P.-Y. Burgi, P.-F. Ruedi Real Time Visual Attention on ProtoEye CSEM Scientific and Technical Report 2001, March, 2002
T. Jost & H. Hügli A multi-resolution scheme ICP algorithm for fast shape registration Proc. Int. Symp. 3D Data Processing , Visualisation and Transmission, Padova, Italy, June 19-21, 2002
T. Jost & H. Hügli Three-dimensional modeling from AFM measurements Proc. SPIE Vol. 4275-08, pp. 61-70, Jan., 2001
O. Hüsser & H. Hügli Search methods for a vision system configuration Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, Le Creusot (F), May 21-23, 2001
N. Ouerhani, N. Archip, H. Hügli, P.-J. Erard Visual Attention Guided Seed Selection for Color Image Segmentation Proc. Conference Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, CAIP'2001, Warsaw (Poland), Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Springer Verlag, Lectures Notes on Computer Science, September 5-7, 2001
O. Hüsser & H. Hügli A configuration assistant for versatile vision based inspection systems Journal of Electronic Imaging, IEEE Press, Volume 10, Issue 1, pp. 308-315, January, Issue 1, IEEE Press, Jan., 2001
N. Ouerhani, J. Bracamonte, H. Hügli, M. Ansorge & F. Pellandini Adaptive Color Image Compression Based on Visual Attention Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Image Analysis and Processing, ICIAP 2001, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp 416-421, IEEE Computer Society Press, Sept. 26-28, 2001
H. Hügli, N. Ouerhani & P.-Y. Burgi Multicue Visual Attention CSEM Scientific and Technical Report 2000, 2001
H. Hügli and J. Gonzalez Drop volume measurement by vision Proc. SPIE, Imaging 2000, SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, San Diego (USA), Vol 3966-11, pp. 60-66, Jan., 2000
O. Hüsser & H. Hügli A configuration assistant for versatile vision based inspection systems Imaging 2000, SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, San Diego, SPIE Vol 3966-37, pp. 259-269, Feb, San Diego/CA, USA, Feb., 2000
H. Hügli and T. Jost Digitalisation et modélisation d'objets 3D colorés Numérisation 3D-Scanning 2000, Actes du Congrès, Paris (F), Paris, France, mai 24-25, 2000
N. Ouerhani & H. Hügli Computing visual attention from scene depth Proc. 15th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2000, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 375-378, IEEE Computer Society Press, Sept. 3-7, 2000
O. Hüsser & H. Hügli Configuration assistant for vision-based inspection SPIE's Electronic Imaging Newletter, Vol. 11, No. 1, Dec, No. 1, Dec., 2000
H. Hügli Numériser sans contraintes de positionnement: par assemblage de vues 3D arbitraires; Getting rid of positioning constraints: Modeling from arbitrary 3D scans Actes du Congrès industriel sur la digitalisation et la création industrielle, Paris (F), 19-20 mai, 1999
F. Tièche & H. Hügli From topological knowledge to geometrical map Control Engineering Practice, Vol.7, Nr. 6, pp 797-802, July, July, 1999
H. Hügli & T. Jost 3D models from unpositioned range images SPIE's International Technical Group Electronic Imaging Newsletter , Vol 10, No. 1, pp 12-13, Nov., No 1, Nov., 1999
T. Jost, C. Schütz & H. Hügli Color digitizing and modeling of free-form 3D Objects SPIE Electronic Imaging '99, Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications II, SPIE Vol. 3640, pp. 38-48, Jan, Jan., 1999
H. Hügli & T. Jost Object modeling by geometric matching for a prospective portable 3D scanner Proceedings Neuchatel COST 254 Workshop, Neuchatel, pp. 67-70, May, May 19-20, 1999
A. Sulzmann, C. Schütz, H. Hügli, J. Jacot Augmented Reality as an Interactive Tool for Microscopic Imaging, Measurement and Model Based Verification of Simulated Parts Proc. Int. Conference Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems, MSM'98, Santa Clara/CA, USA, April 4-6, 1998
C. Schütz, T. Jost & H. Hügli Numérisation d'objets 3D MSM Marchés Systèmes Management, pp. 20-21, déc., 1998
F. Tièche & H. Hügli From topological knowledge to geometrical map Proc. 3rd IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Madrid (Spain), pp. 25-27, March, 1998
C. Schütz, T. Jost and H. Hügli Multi-feature matching algorithm for free-form 3D surgace registration Proc. ICPR'98, Brisbane (Australia), pp. 982-984, Aug., 1998
T. Jost, C. Schütz & H. Hügli Modeling 3D textured Objects by Fusion of Multiple Views Proc. EUSIPCO'98, pp. 1073-1076, Sept., 1998
C. Schütz, T. Jost and H. Hügli Semi-Automatic 3D Object Digitizing System Using Range Images Proc. ACCV'98, Hong Kong, pp. 490-497, Jan., 1998
C. Schütz, T. Jost, H. Hügli Free-form 3D object reconstruction from range images Proc. Int. Conference Virtual Systems and MultiMedia, VSMM'97, Geneva , IEEE Computer Society, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 69-70, Aug., 1997
C. Schütz, H. Hügli Augmented reality using range images Proc. SPIE, Photonics West, The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality, San José/CA, USA, Vol 3012, pp. 472-478, Feb., 1997
H. Hügli, C. Schütz Geometric matching of 3D objects: assessing the range of successful configurations Proc. Int. Conference of Recent Advances in 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, Ottawa (Canada), pp. 101-106, May 12-15, 1997
H. Hügli Knowledge-based 3D vision systems Proc. Closing conference Priority program informatics research, Lausanne (Switzerland), EPF, March 19-20, 1996
H. Hügli, C. Schütz Change detection in range imaging for 3D scene segmentation Proc. SPIE Europto, Besançon, France, Vol 2786, June 10-14, 1996
C. Schütz, E. Natonek, Charles Baur, H. Hügli 3D Vision in a Virtual Reality Robotics Environment SPIE Photonics East, Telemanipulator and Telepresence Techologies III, Boston, Proc. SPIE, Boston, USA, Vol 3012, pp. 138-146, Nov., 1996
H. Hügli, C. Schutz How well performs free-form 3D object recognition from range images ? Proc. SPIE Photonics East, Boston (USA), Vol 2904-09, pp. 66-74, Nov., 1996
H. Hügli, C. Schütz Computer vision of free-form 3D objects by geometric matching Mecatronics, Europe-Asia congress on Mechatronics, Besançon (F), pp. 1-3, Oct., 1996
F. Tièche, N. S. Ghai & H. Hügli Self-positioning and localization of a mobile robot using vision-based behaviors Proc. Mecatronics, Europe-Asia congress on Mechatronics, Besançon (F), pp. 1-3, Oct., 1996
C. Schütz, H. Hügli Towards the recognition of 3D free-form objects Proc. SPIE Int. Symposium on Intelligent Robots and Advanced Manufacturing, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XIV: Algorithms, Techniques Active Vision and Material Handling, Philadelphia (USA), Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XIV: Algorithms, Techniques Active Vision and Material HandlingPhiladelphia/USA, Vol 2588, pp. 476-484, Oct., 1995
P. Thévenaz, H. Hügli Usefulness of the LPC-Residue in Text-Independent Speaker Recognition Speech Communication, {July|August}1995, Vol 17 (1-2), special issue on Automatic Speaker Recognition, 1995
C. Schütz & H. Hügli Free-form 3D object recognition Proc. ISPRS, Third Conference on Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques, Vienna (Austria), Oct., 1995
C. Schütz, H. Hügli Recognition of 3-D objects with a closest point marching algorithm Proc. conf. ISPRS, From Pixels to Sequences, Zurich (Switzerland), Vol. 30, March, 1995
C. Facchinetti, F. Tièche & H. Hügli Using and Learning Vision-based Self-Positioning for Autonomous Robot Navigation Proc. Conf. Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Karlsruhe (Germany), 1995
F. Tièche, C. Facchinetti & H. Hügli A behaviour-based Architecture to Control an Autonomous Mobile Robot Proc. Intelligent Autonomous Systems, IAS-4, Karlsruhe, 1995
C. Facchinetti, F. Tièche, H. Hügli Self-Positioning Robot Navigation Using Ceiling Image Sequences Proc. ACCV'95, Vol III, pp. 814-818, December 5-8, 1995
H. Hügli, C. Schütz, D. Semitekos Geometric matching for free-form 3D object recognition Proc. ACCV'95, Vol III, pp. 819-823, Dec.5-8, 1995
P. Gingins, H. Hügli Model-based 3D object recognition by a hybrid hypothesis generation and verification approach Proc. SPIE, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XIII: Algorithms and Computer Vision, Boston (USA), Vol 2353, Oct., 1994
C. Facchinetti, F. Tièche, H. Hügli Three Vision-Based Behaviours For Self-Positioning a Mobile Robot NRP 23 - Symposium 1994
H. Hügli, C. Facchinetti, F. Tièche, J.-P. Müller, Y. Gat, M. Rodriguez Architecture of an autonomous system: application to mobile robot navigation Proc. NRP 23 - Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Sept., 1994
H. Hügli, C. Schütz, C. Baur, E. Natonek Knowledege-based 3-D Vision Systems Proc. Information Conference Module 2, Priority Programme Informatics Research, Yverdon (Switzerland), Dec., 1994
F. Tièche, C. Facchinetti, H. Hügli An autonomous robot architecture for tidying up chairs in a room (video) Proc. PerAc'94, From Perception to Action, Lausanne, Switzerland, Sept., 1994
C. Facchinetti, H. Hügli Using and Learning Vison-based Self-Positioning for Autonomous Robot Navigation Proc. Machine Learning Conference, MLC-COLT, Worskhop on Robot Learning, Rugters University, New Brunswich (NJ, USA), July, 1994
H. Hügli, P.Gingins Vision by range and intensity for model-based object recognition Proc. 2nd Japan-France Congress on Mechatronics, Takamatsu (Japan), Nov., 1994
F. Chantemargue, H. Hügli Parallélisation du suivi de cible pour la robotique mobile Calculateurs parrallèles, Vol 6 no.3, 1994
F. Tièche, C. Facchinetti & H. Hügli Multi-Layered Hybrid Architecture to Solve Complex Tasks of Autonomous Mobile Robots International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol.3, No.3, pp 375-381, 1994
F. Tièche, C. Facchinetti & H. Hügli Multi-Layered Hybrid Architecture to Solve Complex Tasks of Autonomous Mobile Robots Proc. GWIC on Intelligent Systems, Las Vegas (USA), June, 1994
P. Thévenaz, H. Hügli Conformity, a New Method for Text-Independent Speaker Recognition ESCA Worskhop on automatic speaker recognition, identification and verification, Martigny (Switezrland), pp. 63-66, March, 1994
H. Hügli, F. Tièche, C. Facchinetti Integration of vision in autonomous mobile robotics Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Systems, Man and CyberneticsSan Antonio (USA), Oct., 1994
C. Facchinetti, H. Hügli Using and Learning vision-Based Self-Positioning for Autonomous Robot Navigation Proc. Third Int. Conf. on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision, Singapore, Nov., 1994
H. Hügli, F. Tièche, F. Chantemargue, G. Maître Architecture of an experimental vison-based robot navigation system Proc. Swiss Vision '93, Zürich (Switzerland), Sept., 1993
J.-P. Müller, H. Hügli Architecture of an autonomous system: application to mobile robot navigation Proc. NRP 23 - Symposium on Artifical Intelligence and RoboticsZürich/Switzerland, pp. 101-120, Oct., 1993
H.P. Amann, H. Hügli An inexact graph matching algorithm for three-dimensional object recognition Proc. of Workshop on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition, Aug. 26-28, Bern, Switzerland
C. Facchinetti, H. Hügli Two vision-based behaviours for autonomous mobile robots Proc. First Swiss Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, EPF Lausanne (Switzerland), J. Bigün & J.M.H. du Buf, January, 1992
P. Thévenaz, H. Hügli A residue-based approach to text-independant speech recognition First Swiss Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Computer VisionEPF Lausanne/Switzerland, J. Bigün & J.M.H. du Buf, Jan., 1992
H.P. Amann, H. Hügli An algorithm for the inexact matching of high level 3D polyhedric representation Selected papers on model-based vision, SPIE Milestone Series, Ed. Hatem Nasr, SPIE , Vol MS 72, pp. 313-321, 1992
H. Hügli, G. Maître, F. Tièche & C. Facchinetti Vision-based behaviours for robot navigation Proc. Fourth Annual SGAICO Meeting, Neuchâtel (Switzerland), Sept., 1992
H.P. Amann, H. Hügli An inexact graph matching algorithm for three-dimensional object recognition Advances in structural and syntactic pattern recognition, Series on Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence, Ed. H. Bunke,, Vol 5, pp. 421-443, 1992
H.P. Amann, H. Hügli An algorithm for the inexact matching of high level 3D polyhedric representations Proc SPIE, Model-Based Vision Development and Tools, Vol 1609, pp. 134-140, 1991
G. Maître, H. Hügli Range image segmentation by controlled-continuity spline approximation for parallel computation Proc. SPIE, Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics II, Vol 1610, 1991
G. Maître, H. Hügli, F. Tièche, H.P. Amann Range image segmentation based on function approximation Proc. SPIE, Close-Range Photogrammetry Meets Machine Vision, A.Grün & E.Baltsavias, Vol 1395, pp. 275-282, 1990
P. Thévenaz, H. Hügli Combining Four Text Independant Speaker Recognition Methods Tutorial and Worskhop on Speaker Characterization in Speech TechnologyEdinburgh/UK, J. Laver et al., pp. 187-191, June, 1990
H. Hügli Vision et reconnaissance des formes Polyrama EPFL, pp. 34-35, mai, 1990
H. Hügli, G. Maître 3D by structured light: implementation and evaluation of a vision system for small parts Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques, A.Grün & H. Kahmen, Wien, Wichmann, pp. 468-477, 1989
H. Hügli, G. Maître Generation and Use of Color Pseudo Random Sequences for Coding Structured Light in Active Ranging Proc. SPIE, Vol. 1010, pp. 1010-1013, 1988
H.P. Amann, H. Hügli Stereo by Dynamic Programming Boosted using Binary Images Signal Processing IV: Theories and applications, North-Holland, Vol VII, pp. 1457-1460, 1988
P. Thévenaz, H. Hügli Optimal Speed Measurement by Optical Flow using Line Image Sequences Signal Processing IV: Theories and applications, Vol III, pp. 1629-1632, 1988
P. Thévenaz, H. Hügli Optical Flow Estimation Using Line Image Sequences Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Pattern Recognition, Vol 301, 1988
A. Mokeddem, H. Hügli, F. Pellandini New Clustering Algorithms Applied to Speaker Independent Isolated Work Recognition Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, Tokyo (Japan), April, 1986
H.P. Amann, H. Hügli Une application de la reconnaissance de la parole: commande d'un robot de montage par la parole Actes 59e Congrès SSC-ASMT, Interlaken, Switzerland, pp. 183-186, nov., 1985
H. Hügli, A. Mokeddem Reconnaissance du locuteur et de mots isolés par des systèmes miniaturisés: une comparaison Journées d'électroniques 85, Lausanne (Switzerland), sept., 1985
A. Mokeddem, H. Hügli, F. Pellandini Reconnaissance multilocuteur de mots isolés Actes14èmes Journées d'étude sur la parole, Groupe de la communication parlée du GALF, Paris (F), juin, 1985
Y. Peijian, H. Hügli, F. Pellandini The structure of chinese characters and radical analysis in an on-line character recognition system Proc. 1st Congress, Int. Fuzzy Set Systems Association, Palma de Majorca (Spain), July, 1985
Y. Peijian, H. Hügli, F. Pellandini On-line recognition of handwritten chinese characters: Rearrangement of stroke sequence Proc. 1st Congress Int. Fuzzy Set Systems Association, Palma de Majorca (Spain), July, 1985
A. Mokeddem, H. Hügli, F. Pellandini Criterion Based Clustering Techniques Applied to Speaker Independent Speech Recognition Proc. Conf. on Digital Processing of Signals on Communications, Loughbrough (England), Loughbrough, England, April, 1985
M. Kunt, H. Hügli An Overview of Digital Techniques for Processing Speech Signals NATO Advance Studies Institute, Bonas, Gers, France, July, 1984
A. Mokeddem, H. Hügli, F. Pellandini Evaluation of Criterion Based Clustering Procedures for Generating Multiple Template References in Speaker Independent Speech Recognition Proc. IEEE 7th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Montréal (Canada), July, 1984
Y. Peijian, H. Hügli, F. Pellandini Techniques for On-Line Chinese character Recognition with Reduced Writing Constraints Proc. IEEE 7th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Montréal (Canada), July, 1984
H. Hügli & W. Frei Understanding Anisotropic Reflectance in Mountainous Terrain Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (USA), Vol. 49, No. 5, pp. 671-683, May 1983
H. Hügli & W. Frei Digital Real-Time Processing of Color Bronchoscopy Images 2nd. Int. Conf. on Visual Psychophysics and Medical Imaging, Brussel, July 1981
H. Hügli & W. Frei Real-Time Digital Processing of color bronchoscopic images SPIE Symp. San Diego (USA), SPIE Vol. 292, Processing of Images and Data from Optical Sensors, July 1981
H. Hügli & W. Frei Real-Time Simulation of the Seasonal and Diurnal Aspect Changes in Real 3D Scenes SPIE Symp., San Diego (USA), Proc. SPIE Vol. 303, Aug. 1981
H. Hügli & W. Frei Correcting for Anisotropic Reflectances in Mountainous Sites Symp. on Machine Processing and Remotely Sensed Data, Purdue (USA), June 1981
H. Hügli De la synthèse d'images appliquée aux maquettes de terrrain numériques Dissertation ETHZ, Nov. 1980
H. Hügli Der Computer als Landschaftsmaler Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 9. Juli 1980
H. Hügli La synthèse d'images appliquée aux maquettes de terrrain numériques Mitteilungen Nr. 28, Inst. für Geodäsie und Photogrammetrie ETHZ, Nov. 1980
H. Hügli Vom Geländemodell zum Geländebild: die Synthese von Schattenbildern Vermessung Photogrammetrie Kulturtechnik, Jg. 77, Nr. 10, Okt. 1979
H. Hügli The Shading of True Relief Data Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing, Florence (Italy), Aug. 1978
H. Hügli Empfängerausrüstung für die Aufnahme und die direkte Wiedergabe von M-FAX-Signalen Mitteilungen AGEN, Spezialausgabe M-FAX, Dez. 1976