SPLAY Installation Howto: MacOS X

This document describes the installation of SPLAY on MacOS X.

Comments, questions and suggestions are welcome: info@splay-project.org

NOTE: a far more convenient automatic packaged installer of the SPLAY daemon (splayd) and associated libraries for MacOS is available in the download section. The manual installation of SPLAY is required only if you intend to modify the tool or use the controller in a deployed setting.

This document is composed of four parts:


  • This tutorial was tested using Intel Macs only. Since it is based on source distributions of software, it should not pose problems on PPC-based Macs.
  • It was tested using Mac OS 10.5 and Mac OS 10.6. The instructions should work under 10.4 without troubles.
  • This tutorial assumes the usage of the MacPorts or Fink package systems: MacPorts is the recommended option if you don't already have one of the two.
  • This tutorial assumes that you do not change the default paths of Fink, MacPorts, Ruby, and others.

Common requirements

A. Install Apple developers tools

You will need the Apple dev. tools to build some of the applications. Get it from: http://developer.apple.com or from your Leopard/Snow Leopard installation DVD.

B. Install syntax highlighting for your favorite text editor

You may want to install Lua text coloring (and language-specific functions):


Close TextMate and use these commands in a terminal.

mkdir -p Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles
cd Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles
svn co http://svn.textmate.org/trunk/Bundles/Lua.tmbundle

Follow instructions at http://lua-mode.luaforge.net/.


Syntax highlighting is included by default in recent versions, but this page proposes more features and tools for coding in Lua using vim.


Follow instructions at http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaEditorSupport.

Installation using MacPorts (recommended)

A. Install MacPorts

Go to http://www.macports.org/. Download the latest version of MacPorts, install it, and update it:

sudo port selfupdate
sudo port update outdated

MacPorts: installing the SPLAY daemon (splayd)

A. Install the required packages

Install Lua and the LuaSocket and LuaSec libraries:

sudo port install lua openssl97 lua-luasocket lua-luasec

B. Set up the LUA PATH

When one includes some library within LUA, LUA looks first for a LUA-based library and then for a C-based library. The former is looked for in the LUA_PATH and the latter is in the LUA_CPATH.

We will consider /Users/you/ as being your home dir, and that /Users/you/local/ is where you usually put the non-system-wide unix hierarchy.

Create the two directories, that will be used for storing the Splayd libraries (one can use the system-wide paths but this is not recommended as you may want to easily update these libraries with newer versions):

mkdir /Users/you/local/lualibs/
mkdir /Users/you/local/lualibs/lib
mkdir /Users/you/local/lualibs/clib

Setup your path as an environment variable. Edit the file ~/.bashrc (if it does not exist, create it) and add:

Don't forget to restart bash to take into account the new paths.

C. Building and running the splayd

Get the latest version of the splayd archive on this site. The archive contains the file Makefile.macosx


tar xvzf splayd_0.93.tar.gz 
cd splayd_0.93

Use the MacOS makefile

mv Makefile Makefile.old
mv Makefile.macosx Makefile

If you did not modify the per-default paths used by MacPorts, you do not need to edit the Makefile.

Edit install.sh and set:

(adapt to your homedir)

Build and install it:

(for the latter, no need to use sudo if your LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH are in your homedir folder hierarchy)

Prepare for running. Edit settings.lua and:

  • Set splayd.settings.name to something (e.g. the machine DNS name)
  • set additional restrictions for the jobs that will be running on this splayd (if required)
  • remove the lines at the end to finish the setup.

Try the splay daemon (it will obviously fail to connect to a controller but should display the following:)

>> NAME: testname
>> KEY: local
>> Running on 32bits Darwin (little endian)

MacPorts: installing and running the SPLAY controller

The controller does not require compilation, but requires a MySql database. If you already have one, just skip step A and ask the administrator to create a database and a user for you. If you use Mac OS server, MySQL is already installed on your machine.

A. Install and run MySQL

Install mysql:

sudo port install mysql5-server mysql5

Enable auto-launch on session start:

sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.mysql5.plist

Proceed with initial setup:

sudo -u _mysql mysql_install_db5
sudo /opt/local/bin/mysqld_safe5
sudo /opt/local/lib/mysql5/bin/mysql_secure_installation

Change the root password

mysqladmin5 -u root password NEWPASSWORD

Add "alias mysql='mysql5'" to .bashrc

B. Create a database for the controller

Run 'mysql -u root -p' and enter your password. Then type:

create database splay;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON splay.* TO 'splay'@'localhost'

C. Install the support for mysql and DataBase abstraction in Ruby

It is possible to install the required database and ruby libraries from gem repositories or from macport+gem repositories. Using only gem repositories (as explained in C.1) is preferred.

C.1 Gem repositories

Install the support for openssl and ruby/SQL wrappers:

sudo gem install openssl-nonblock json dbi dbd-mysql mysql

C.2 MacPort + Gem repositories

Install the support for openssl in ruby
sudo gem install openssl-nonblock json

Install ruby/SQL wrappers

sudo port install rb-mysql 
sudo port install rb-dbi +dbd_mysql

D. Download and initialize the controller

Get the latest controller from http://www.splay-project.org

tar xvfz controller-xxx.tar.gz
cd controller-xxx

Edit the database information: edit lib/db_config.rb and edit:

class DBConfig
	SQL_TYPE = "Mysql"
	SQL_DB = "splay"
	SQL_HOST = "localhost"
	SQL_USER = "splay"
	SQL_PASS = "splay"
(adapt to your database name and user name as chosen during step B. There is nothing to change if you used the values from this tutorial)

Initialize the database

ruby init_db.rb

Launch the controller

ruby controller.rb
(use controller_fork if you plan to support 100+ splayd)

Launch a splayd and observe the output of the controller. For running multiple splayd on the same machine, one has to set production to false (see INSTALL in the splayd folder). Anyhow, local runs are supposed to be made outside of Splay (see the manual for more details).

Installation using Fink (not recommended, MacPorts is easier)

We assume you already have Fink installed and running and you don't want to switch to MacPorts. If not, we recommend you use the MacPorts tutorial above.

A. Configure Fink

Go to http://www.finkproject.org/. Download the latest version of fink and install it. Allow the usage of the 'unstable' branch of Fink (not needed with MacPorts)

Configure fink:
fink configure
Enter your password and accept all choices per default, but say "Y" when it asks about 'unstable' packages.

Update Fink:

fink selfupdate ; fink update-all 

Fink: installing the Lua support

A. Install the required packages

fink install \
	lua51 lua51-dev lua51-shlibs \
	openssl097 openssl097-dev openssl097-shlibs

B. Set up the LUA PATH

When one includes some library within LUA, LUA looks first for a LUA-based library and then for a C-based library. The former is looked for in the LUA_PATH and the latter is in the LUA_CPATH.

We will consider /Users/you/ as being your home dir, and that /Users/you/local/ is where you usually put the non-system-wide unix hierarchy.

Create the two directories, that will be used for storing the Splayd libraries (one can use the system-wide paths but this is not recommended as you may want to easily update these libraries with newer versions):

mkdir /Users/you/local/lualibs/
mkdir /Users/you/local/lualibs/lib
mkdir /Users/you/local/lualibs/clib

Setup your path as an environment variable. Edit the file ~/.bashrc (if it does not exist, create it) and add:


Don't forget to restart bash to take into account the new paths.

C. Manual compilation of required modules

Since you are using Fink, some libraries have to be compiled and installed manually (not the case with MacPorts).

C1: LuaSocket

Go to http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~diego/professional/luasocket/ and download the latest version (2.0.2+)

Unpack it:

tar xfz luasocket-2.0.2.tar.gz 
cd luasocket-2.0.2/

Edit the configuration file 'config' and change the following:

-> set LUAINC=-I/sw/include
-> set INSTALL_TOP_SHARE=/sw/share/lua/5.1/
-> set INSTALL_TOP_LIB=/sw/lib/lua/5.1/
-> comment "compiler and linker settings for linux"
-> uncomment "compiler and linker settings for mac os x"
-> change LD=export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="10.3"; gcc to LD=export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="10.5"; gcc

Build it and install:

sudo make install

C2: LuaSec

Download and unpack it:

wget http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/3920/luasec-0.3.tar.gz
tar xfz luasec-0.3.tar.gz
cd luasec-0.3/

Edit the Makefile and configure it the following way:


Build it and install:

make macosx
sudo make install

Fink: building and running the SPLAY daemon (splayd)

Get the latest version of the splayd archive on this site. The archive contains the file Makefile.macosx


tar xvzf splayd_0.93.tar.gz 
cd splayd_0.93

Use the MacOS makefile

mv Makefile Makefile.old
mv Makefile.macosx Makefile

Edit Makefile and set directories (they are set for MacPorts' defaults and need to be changed):

INCLUDE= -I/sw/include/ -I/sw/include/openssl
LIBS= -L/sw/lib -llua -lm
OPENSSL_LIBS= -L/sw/lib -lcrypto -lssl

Edit install.sh and set:

(adapt to your homedir)

Build and install it:

(for the latter, no need to use sudo if your LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH are in your homedir folder hierarchy)

Prepare for running. Edit settings.lua and:

  • set splayd.settings.name to something (e.g. the machine DNS name),
  • set additional restrictions for the jobs that will be running on this splayd (if required),
  • remove the lines at the end to finish the setup.

Try the splay daemon (it will obviously fail to connect to a controller but should display the following:)

>> NAME: testname
>> KEY: local
>> Running on 32bits Darwin (little endian)

Fink: building and running the controller

The controller does not require compilation, but requires a MySql database. If you already have one, just skip step A and ask the administrator to create a database and a user for you. If you use Mac OS server, MySQL is already installed on your machine.

A. Install and run MySQL

Go to http://dev.mysql.com/ and download the latest version. Recommended: install the preference pane and the automatic startup item. You will need to add "/usr/local/mysql/bin" to your PATH.

Change the root password:

mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD

B. Create a database for the controller

Run 'mysql -u root -p' and enter your password. Then type:

create database splay;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON splay.* TO 'splay'@'localhost'

C. Install the support for mysql and DataBase abstraction in Ruby

C1. Install the support for openssl in ruby

sudo gem install openssl-nonblock

C2. Install mysql support in Ruby:

Install the support for mysql in Ruby:

wget http://tmtm.org/downloads/mysql/ruby/mysql-ruby-2.8.1.tar.gz
tar zxvf mysql-ruby-2.8.1.tar.gz
cd mysql-ruby-2.8.1
ruby extconf.rb --with-mysql-config
Test it:
ruby test.rb [hostname] [username] [dbpassword]
// e.g. : ruby test.rb localhost splay splay
and finally install it:
sudo make install

Install the Ruby DBI (abstraction layer for databases). Get dbi-0.4.1.tar.gz on http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=234&release_id=28765 and install it:

tar xvfz dbi-0.4.1.tar.gz
cd dbi-0.4.1/
sudo ruby setup.rb all

Install DBI driver for MySQL. Get dbd-mysql-0.4.2.tar.gz on http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=234&release_id=28765 and install it:

tar xvfz dbd-mysql-0.4.2.tar.gz
cd dbd-mysql-0.4.2/
sudo ruby setup.rb all

D. Download and initialize the controller

Get the latest controller from this site and unpack it:

tar xvfz controller-xxx.tar.gz
cd controller-xxx

Edit the database information: edit lib/db_config.rb and edit:

class DBConfig
	SQL_TYPE = "Mysql"
	SQL_DB = "splay"
	SQL_HOST = "localhost"
	SQL_USER = "splay"
	SQL_PASS = "splay"
(adapt to your database name and user name as chosen during step B. There is nothing to change if you used the values from this tutorial)

Initialize the database

ruby init_db.rb

Launch the controller
ruby controller.rb
(use controller_fork if you plan to support 100+ splayd)

Launch a splayd and observe the output of the controller. For running multiple splayd on the same machine, one has to set production to false (see INSTALL in the splayd folder). Anyhow, local runs are supposed to be made outside of Splay (see the manual for more details).

Installation of the SPLAY command tools

To install the SPLAY command tool, which will permit you to send commands remotely to the SPLAY controller, you have first to install LUA and some libraries. We provide instructions to install such libraries with MacPort.

A. Install MacPorts

Go to http://www.macports.org/. Download the latest version of MacPorts, install it, and update it:

sudo port selfupdate
sudo port update outdated

B. Install the required packages

Install Lua and the LuaSocket and LuaSec libraries:

sudo port install lua lua-luasocket 

C. Install the tools

Download the SPLAY command tool here, and decompress it on a directory of your choice:

tar xvfz splay-command-tool_XXX.tar.gz TODO Update with version 
Now you are ready to use the SPLAY commands. You can see a tutorial that explains how to use the command line interface here.